Anderson Road Substation: Upgrade 30MVA Firm Capacity


Client: Mbombela Local Municipality
Year: 2012 – 2014

For 25 years, Anderson 33/11kV substation operated on two 15MVA 33/11kV transformers. However, within a period of 5 years, development increased in both the residential and the business areas surrounding the substation and subsequently caused an overload on the substation.

Not only was an additional 15MVA 33/11kV transformer required to increase the firm capacity to 30MVA, the existing 33kV feeder board also had to be extended to accommodate the additional transformer.

In addition the existing 11kV feeder board had to be extended in order to reduce the loading on the existing 11kV distribution rings.

The Scope of work:

  • At Anderson, installed 15MVA 33/11kV transformer bay, 11 & 33kV Substation primary and secondary plant equipment including remote switching panel.
  • Extended 33kV busbar and installed indoor 1 x 33kV bus-section panel with breaker and CT’s.
  • Extended 11kV Busbar and installed one indoor 11kV bus section panel, four 11kV distribution panels and 1 x 11kV transformer incomer feeder panel.
  • Installed 2.2km 2 x 11kV 185mm²3 core PILC cables between Delta and Ehmke substation.
  • Installed 2km 33kV 1 x 185mm²3 core PILC cable between Delta and Anderson substation. At Delta substation the existing 2 x 95mm x 3 core cable was replaced with a new 1 x 185mm² 3 core cable.
  • Installed the new transformer and feeder protection panels and schemes and a remote operation panel.
  • Tested and commissioned the new assets, including new 15MVA transformer, feeder bays and cables.